
Centrifugal Fan Market in EU Countries (1)


In the recent few years, there has been a steadily growing centrifugal fan market as a result of the wide range of fan applications in different industries. This is also driven by the more advanced design, increasing efficiency and great durability. As the velocity of air volume that passes through can be well controlled through using an easy-structured centrifugal fan. And in many industries such as mining, power stations and cement plants and other industries that require a large air movement or gas, advanced centrifugal fans have had their applications. In fact, in 2017, 15% of the centrifugal fan market share went to the mining industry as it is an industry that needs constant air exhaust, ventilation and cooling in mining tunnels and underground passages.

It is a fact worth noting that in the centrifugal fan market on the whole, creative design is a significant factor driving its development. Centrifugal fans are available with various blade arrangements and discharge options to meet different operating conditions to ensure performance drop does not happen. Also, centrifugal fans have various energy efficiency levels for different requirements as countries in the EU are more and more energy conscious, which has spurred a new wave of creation activities in centrifugal fan research and development.

Surveys conducted by some agencies show that in HVAC systems, about 40% of the energy is consumed by fans. The performance of industrial fans that operates in HVAC systems was calculated for 4 years and found that those fans had an energy efficiency level of about 33% on average. Of those fans, only a small portion of them have an efficiency level of 50% to 60%. This is way below the EU required standard of energy efficiency.

Sweden is a country that has a great fame for advanced technologies and high requirements on energy efficiency in the European Union. It is estimated that for other EU countries, the energy efficiency standard of centrifugal fans may not be as high as in Sweden. But the overall energy efficiency standard in EU as a whole is quite strict as it is a concern of the world to improve energy efficiency. This market demand and government regulations have combined to drive innovational activities in this industry.